I love this piece. Your writing is so thoughtful and articulate. I’m a fan of lots of Swift’s music but something made me so uneasy in this latest album, and you’ve helped me identify what it was. Especially in the wake of another pop icon undergoing a humiliating public trial for her freedom from asylum (my heart is always broken for Britney,) I was shocked by Swift’s snippy references to being imprisoned and life in an asylum, which as you point out, are things that (to public knowledge) she has never experienced.

Thank you for your consistent advocacy and grappling with Disability Studies. I am always learning from you.

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This means so much - thank you!

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Thank you for saying exactly what needs to be said! Considering the immense power Swift has in the current political climate (Eras tour is ongoing in UK), this brilliant critique is more urgent than ever. I live with chronic illness. Many of my friends and loved ones have survived being inside various institutions. I agree with your powerful assessment wholeheartedly: the asylum line is unacceptable, ableist, and deeply offensive. Likewise with the “slammer” song. Romanticizing incarceration and hospitalization is beyond the pale. The glorification of the insane asylum is a dangerous fallacy, not a joke, and this message does not need to be amplified by her millions of loyal fans. A billionaire white lady who has unprecedented levels of political, financial, and social capital does not know a thing about real life in an institution. These lyrics show a blatant disregard and disrespect for the most vulnerable and marginalized people who are trying to survive in this cut throat society rooted in white supremacy. Swift profits billions by making a mockery of the lived experience of people who suffer the most in the capitalist rat race. I’m so grateful for your writing on this critical issue. I’m sorry that you have suffered from illness too. Thank you for speaking up for us.

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Thank you so much for reading & for sharing this!

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Best essay I've read in a WHILE 🔥

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This is the best compliment - THANK YOU!

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You are such a skilled writer, and I’m grateful you’re putting your words out into the world. I know how daunting it can be to have the drive to communicate through writing, but also often feel like you’re talking into the void more often than not, sometimes wondering if it even matters that you’re putting things out there. Thank you for sharing so vulnerability and openly. I hope you feel heard today.

While I enjoy some of Swift’s music (I’m much more a fan of the bops, Folklore and the recent album—what little I listened to—largely bored me to tears), I think she’s demonstrated time and again that she has very little interest in growing much as a person or acknowledging her mistakes, and for that I can never truly respect her. She’s had many lyrics over the years that left me side-eyeing her, but talking about asylums and incarceration seems like a new all-time low. It’s hard to imagine coming through the last four years and still having so little awareness of history, let alone the way these systems continue to oppress people. One can recognize the ways Taylor has probably suffered in her life, while also knowing her position is indefensible. I’m very aware at this point that the only explanation for the way she lives her life is that she Does. Not. Care. She has so much money and so much power on her side at this point, that she could effect immediate change for a lot of people and situations if that was something she wanted to do. She doesn’t want to. It’s as simple as that.

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Thank you so much for reading (I do feel heard, & I appreciate it so much) & for sharing these thoughts!

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Thank you for this 💖

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You are such an artist ! Beautifully written. Relatable.

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Thank you for reading, friend 🖤

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Gawd, yes, this was so good.

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you so much for this!

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Beautifully written. Thank you. Taylor Swift is a billionaire because enough people love her music and shows. She is white because she was born that way. I do not think Taylor Swift owes us anything - but she owes herself so much more. In the meantime, maybe people will stop buying and listening and going. And I do agree with being upset with the lyrics. They are troubling and I will not be listening. I do not support Hamas and I do not understand how any thoughtful person could. Especially if you are 'different' in any way. I really have my doubts Autumn if Hamas view of the world were to prevail that you or I would have a safe place in that world. With any kind of thoughtful leadership not inspired by decimating a group of people based solely on their beliefs, we would not need a slogan so wrapped in hate that is supposedly stated with love as Free Palestine.

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Thank you for reading! She is white because she was born that way, & that whiteness comes with instilled privileges due to systemic racism. Because we cannot opt out of these systems entirely, instead I believe white people like myself must engage in active anti-racism, something that Swift has not displayed. Additionally, I believe Free Palestine is not statement wrapped in hate, but rather love & hope. It is a hope for freedom from a violent, oppressive regime that is enacting - & has been enacting for years - a genocide. I am not interested in liberation for some. I am interested in liberation for all, & that is what Free Palestine means to me.

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Autumn. I share your deep concern for others. I encourage you to consider the scope of human history as you reach conclusions. David Graber wrote a wonderfully expansive review of human history that was just finished and published by his co author after David's untimely passing. Or Sapiens is another history of humanity by Yuval Harari. Im sure there are others. I cannot understand your thinking on Hamas when it is literally practicing a doctrine of genocide. If given the means that is exactly what it would do. And not just to Jews but to so many others that endure Hamas wrath. I am personally appalled by the hell in Gaza -- but Hamas could have built a functioning govt and a decent place to live with all the money it has received. It chose hate and tunnels instead. And somehow this is ok? Free Palestine as i understand it does not mean what you say it means for you. I understand this is very complex with lots of history and Mr N. from Israel has contributed to this recent mess. But if you truly despise hate, how do you side with Hamas. They may come for you next. It is an existential war that cannot be underestimated. I appreciate the conversation. I appreciate your good writing. I think we could probably agree on the idea of working together cooperatively to create better living for more people. I just think we all have that duty. I also do not believe supporting haters is an effective means to an ends. Do you also think Taylor Swift should be clear in her opposition to Russia's war in Ukraine or the killings that are happening again in Darfur or the hundreds of thousands of children who battle malaria each year and die or the women who have been eliminated from society and education in Afghanistan by the Taliban? A $5k donation toward malaria prevention will on average save a child's life, a mother's grief and many others from getting sick. Could that would be a better use of our time than supporting Hamas. Would you consider advocating for the Against Malaria Foundation?

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I apologize Autumn for coming across too strongly. This forum isn't ideal for good discussion on difficult topics. I will reflect on what you have shared. Maybe someday we can meet and continue discussion.

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Thank you for saying all the things I've been thinking for some time. I've never been a Swift fan and cannot believe so many continue to support her so blindly.

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So proud of you for writing this!!

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Thank you for always talking me through thoughts like these!

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