Never apologize for your anger. The clouds spit their anger at us, the waves beat it into our souls. Water is angry and unapologetic. You are nature. You are water. You are angry. (The royal you in that I am angry too)

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You are wonderful. Thank you for reading!

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Feb 2Liked by Autumn Kohler

This made my heart ache. I do struggle with chronic illness that does involve a low level of pain, but reading this makes me want to scream on behalf of you and everyone else who suffers to this degree. That on top of this hellish pain you also have to worry about making a living, and paying for trying to make your life more bearable is indeed barbaric. Every day I have to breathe through the anger of knowing that a better world is SO POSSIBLE but the greed of people in power will not allow it. You deserve better. We all deserve better.

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We all deserve better! May we never, ever forget it. Thank you for reading!

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This is painful & powerful. I do hope that despite (or in spite) of all of this you always keep writing because we need your voice. 🙌🏻

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Thank you so, so much for reading. It means the world!

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Feb 1Liked by Autumn Kohler

So poignant, so beautifully written. woof! this resonated with me! I am lucky in that I do not have chronic pain, but my husband has severe chronic back pain and we've spent years and lots of money trying to get relief for him. I too dream of a world where our tax dollars are used for something other than death and destruction.

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I'm dreaming of that world right alongside you. I'm sending all my love to you and your husband. Thank you for reading!

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